Joy for those achieving success, and help for those who need it

Published: Tuesday 6 August 2024

Pupils sitting an exam.

Young people from across South Lanarkshire will today begin to receive their exam results.

Grades will be revealed for Nationals, Highers and Advanced Highers as well as National Progression Awards, Skills for Work Awards and National Certificates and Awards.

The Chair of the Council’s Education Resources Committee, Councillor Lynsey Hamilton, said: “I am delighted to be able to congratulate our young learners on what they have achieved this year. These results will enable many to enter work, training, apprenticeships or further study at school, college or university.

“A huge thanks must go to our dedicated and hard-working teachers and support staff for their commitment and care.

“There will, of course, be disappointment for some of our young people in not getting what they expected this time round. However, experience tells us that there are always other paths available, and you have the luxury of time on your side.

“Specific help and advice regarding results is available by speaking to your teachers or from the Skills Development Scotland helpline.”

Anne Donaldson, Depute Executive Director (Education Resources), was also delighted that another generation of young people can step into their future.

She said: “The opportunities offered to our young people through these results would not have come to be without their hard work and the support they received from their families, schools and each other.

“These achievements will go a long way to helping each of them find a positive pathway to their own future and I wish them every success in going forward.”

Any pupils looking for help, advice or further information regarding their exam results can contact their school directly in the first instance. Support is also available from a dedicated national helpline run by Skills Development Scotland on 0808 100 8000 and from the SQA Candidate Advice Line on 0345 279 1000.

In addition, Kooth provides 24/7 instant access to anonymous and personalised mental health support to young people across 13 local authorities in Scotland. 

They have resources to help young people manage their worries about exam results, including:

10 things exams don't measure, which celebrates other skills and attributes young people possess, which are just as important

A guide to exam results day, which supports young people to feel less stressed on results day