Census verification will be safe and quick

Published: Monday 4 July 2022

A Census Coverage Survey Field Operators, from the Census Field Force team at National Records of Scotland, visits an interviewee.

Selected households across South Lanarkshire will take part in a verification interview for the recently completed census.

The Census Coverage Survey is the second largest social research exercise in Scotland after the census itself, covering around 1.5% of households nationwide. It is run by National Records of Scotland and, together with census data, it helps to provide an accurate estimate of Scotland’s population and the people within it.

Those chosen to take part will already have received a letter informing them of the fact, and the Census Coverage Survey Field Operators, from the Census Field Force team at National Records of Scotland, will visit each chosen household up to 10 times to try to speak to someone at the address to complete the form.

This form will be shorter to complete than the original census form, taking on average only 10 to 15 minutes, and the selected residents are reassured that a number of measures have been put in place to ensure their security and sense of safety.

All staff will carry a photo ID badge with a staff number, and will give these details without the door being opened if asked to do so. The interviewer will not ask to enter the property and will not enter, even if invited to do so.

If wishing to check the interviewer’s identity, the householder will be able to call the Customer Support Line on 0800 033 4010, where details will be held of which staff members will be working in each particular area, and at what time.

Any householder who wishes to do so can complete the survey over the phone by calling 0800 033 4010, after which any further scheduled visits by the interviewers will stop.

Councillor Lesley McDonald, Chair of Finance and Corporate Resources at South Lanarkshire Council, said: “The census is a hugely important record, giving a snapshot of the country’s population and allowing, amongst other things, a host of decisions to be made at national and local levels on delivering services most effectively and identifying where they are needed.

“As such, it needs to be checked to ensure it is as accurate as possible and I would urge everyone chosen for this Census Coverage Survey to make themselves available for the interviewers or to complete it at a time of their choosing over the phone – you will be helping yourselves and everyone around you."