Have your say on the Customer Involvement Strategy 2023-28

Published: Thursday 18 May 2023

This image shows members of the customer scrutiny forum at a desk with a presentation on the screen

The council has a long history of meaningful customer involvement. 

We are proud of the strong working relationships that have been built with tenants and other customers over the years.

The Customer Involvement Strategy (CIS) is one of our most important strategies. It sets out our commitment to working with all customers to shape and influence the way that housing services are developed and delivered in the future.

The current CIS 2018-2022 was developed and co-produced by customers and has four strategic outcomes that focus on helping customers become informed and involved, drive forward service improvement and shape change. It also includes a range of associated actions that aim to ensure these strategic outcomes are achieved.

The Tenant Participation Co-ordination Group (TPCG), which comprises customer representatives from across South Lanarkshire, has responsibility for monitoring progress against the strategic actions.

During the period of the CIS there have been key successes and achievements which demonstrate the difference customer involvement has made, including:

  • continued involvement of customers in the development and co-ordination of the annual rent-setting process
  • further development of the customer scrutiny programme, with a number of housing service areas examined by customers, including most recently Housing Services’ virtual call-handling approach and the council’s approach to gas servicing
  • customers actively participated in the review and development of several housing policies and strategies including the Housing Allocation Policy, Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, Rent Management Policy and the Local Housing Strategy. The feedback received from customers was invaluable in helping to inform the final policies
  • significant progress in relation to engagement with Gypsy/Traveller residents at the two sites in South Lanarkshire
  • the Customer Publicity Group continued to have a key role in reviewing and identifying improvements to various customer publications and communications including the annual rent increase letter, Housing news and letters relating to various housing service areas

Over the last few months, we have been working closely with the TPCG and other customers to develop the next Customer Involvement Strategy 2023-2028. The new strategy will build on the strengths of our approach and will ensure that customer involvement continues to develop and move forward in a way that takes account of customers’ needs and lifestyles.

Consultation on the new draft strategy will take place over the summer months and there will be a range of ways for customers to provide views, including an on-line survey, local meetings and focus groups. If you would like more information about the new CIS or if you are interested in becoming more involved you should get in touch via email.